Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy: Enhancing Communication, Empowering Lives

Speech therapy, provided by our specialist therapists, serves as the bridge towards reclaiming various communication abilities, swallowing, and cognitive-linguistic capacities. With both the young and the old witnessing communication or sensory ability regression, our individualized therapy programs aim to restore confidence and independence, proving that such difficulties can indeed be overcome.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Boosting Communication Potentials

Navigating an important conversation or simply expressing how you feel shouldn’t be a struggle. Our speech therapists at St. Isabel Home Health develop programs specifically tailored to your unique abilities, goals, and needs. The variety of services offered in our program includes:

Post-Surgery Support and Care

Recovery after surgery sometimes necessitates speech therapy. Our post-op support ensures efficient recovery, helping you regain any compromised communication or swallowing capacity.


We offer specialized communication therapy to guide individuals with autism, helping them navigate their unique communication challenges.

Cerebral Palsy

Our dedicated speech therapy interventions facilitate improved speech and swallowing abilities for clients battling cerebral palsy.

Cranial Nerve Damage

Our targeted therapy caters to those with cranial nerve damage, aiding in the recovery of communication and swallowing functions.

Developmental Disabilities

Our therapists assist individuals with developmental disabilities, enabling improved communication and interaction capabilities.

Difficulties in Articulation

We provide effective techniques for those struggling with articulation, helping you create clear and comprehensible speech.


Clients with dyslexia can benefit from our targeted programs, improving their reading, writing, and spelling capabilities.

Hearing Impairments

Our programs are designed to help those with hearing impairments better understand and engage in verbal communication.

Language Delays

Intervention support for those experiencing language delays ensures progressive development and improved fluency.


We provide specialized assistance to mitigate lisping, improving the clarity of speech.

Sensory Impairments (Auditory and Verbal)

We help individuals cope with auditory and verbal sensory impairments, facilitating improved communication abilities.

Speech Apraxia

Our expert interventions for speech apraxia aid the motor planning needed for speech production.

Speech Impediments

Our therapists work diligently on strategies to overcome numerous speech impediments, enhancing verbal communication.

Stuttering or Stammering

We provide supportive strategies to manage and reduce stuttering or stammering episodes, ensuring smooth verbal expression.

Swallowing Difficulties

Our swallowing therapy can help alleviate issues with eating and drinking, ensuring safe eating practices.

Voice Delays

We aid children experiencing voice delays by fostering proper speech development through tailored therapeutic sessions.

Voice Disorders

We treat a variety of voice disorders, focusing on enhancing the quality, pitch, and volume of speech.

Don't Hesitate, Reclaim Your Voice

While some hearing or speech impairments can be treatable, others are skillfully addressed through compensatory strategies such as lip reading and sign language. Explore how Speech Therapy can help you regain your voice and confidence by calling St. Isabel Home Health at 1-877-871-1866 for more information.